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Paula's Story
A young woman's experience and joy through her adoption plan.

Open Adoption Today
When a woman is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, many people think of adoption as it was twenty years ago, when a woman didn't have the choices in adoption that she has today. So much has changed for the better...

Pregnancy Help Online
We understand that decisions about a pregnancy aren't always easy. Unplanned or unexpected pregnancies happen, and helping you make the best decision for you and your baby is what we are here for.

Insurance and Financial Resources
Information for women who are either pregnant or taking care of an infant.

One Woman's Choice
For three years I tried to raise my daughter myself. Her father left two weeks after he found out I was pregnant. My parents live in another state. My mother is remarried and my stepfather didn't really like me. So we didn't see each other very much. So it had been Amber and me from the start...
A Cherished Experience
A birthmother's journey through her adoption and the choices that she made.
The Reality of the Date Rape Drug
Find out some of the leading date rape drugs and the harmful effects that they can cause. Also, learn some preventable tips that can help you avoid being a victim.
From the Heart...
Read letters from other women who have placed through adoption, sharing their stories and hopes for the future.
How to Do Really Well in College
A guide for college freshmen, published by SUNY Oswego Honors Program
How to Really Prepare for College
A guide for high school students, published by SUNY Oswego Honors Program
Two Key Reasons Women Accept Decline as Inevitable
Much of the physical and mental decline that usually accompanies advancing age is considered normal, but it's not. The truth is, women allow decline to happen because they fail to understand their ability to manage their aging process.


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